Posts in floral
from generation to generation

My original title for this week’s blog post was “cultivate hope”. It seemed an appropriate theme as I have watched brides and grooms get married, full of hopes and dreams and ready to commit to a better future together in spite of past and present hardships.

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What's Next?

Today officially marks 6 months since my allogenic bone marrow transplant for treating Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. When I wrote my last post on February 13th of this year, I talked about my “real” which acknowledged the grueling chemotherapy treatments to attack the third recurrence, a miraculous remission and the upcoming transplant which was from a donor this time. I named him “Hans”, with a nod to his probable German roots. It helped to humanize this young man whose stem cells were collected in a bag and then couriered to City of Hope the next day.

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